A Little Bit About Me


  • User interviews

  • User interface design

  • Prototyping and Wireframing

  • User flows

Hi my name is Yunlin and I am a UX/UI Designer based in Sunny Los Angeles. I have always been a curious learner who enjoys people watching and having meaningful conversations with anyone and everyone. It was this curiosity that led me to my experience working with mental health non-profits. In these roles, I collaborated with individuals from diverse backgrounds and practiced empathy in order to ensure that they received access to the right resources that would meet their mental health needs.

Transitioning into design, I still take on this curious learner role and apply it when I am conducting user interviews, crafting user personas or guiding people through usability testing. My goal is to always cultivate a safe, open space where users can comfortably express their needs, motivations, aspirations, pain points, and anything they wish to share.

  • Usability testing

  • Information architecture

  • Branding

  • UI design



From studying abroad in London to exploring Japan with my lovely host family, I am a travel junkie. Favorite place I’ve traveled to is Killarney, Ireland and my dream travel destinations are Budapest, South Korea and Taiwan.


When I am not designing, I am on the hunt for a good cup of matcha. I often like to visit new cafes and try their matcha.


Whether it’s hiking, playing tennis, bouldering or running, I enjoy getting outside and moving my body. Finished my first half marathon in February 2024 and currently looking for my next race to run!